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The Sligo Headwaters Civic Association

The Sligo Headwaters Civic Association (SHCA) of Wheaton, Maryland welcomes you! Membership is open to anyone living in (or close) to the area bounded by Blueridge Ave, Nairn Rd, Arcola Ave, and Colt Terrace and the Park.

Interested? Please contact Leah Haygood ( for more information. Or, you can join the join the SHCA list server.

  Happenings & hot issues old happenings...  
Latest news [updated 22 Oct 2024] ..

Coming up soon ...

  • Traffic cameras (updated list as of oct 2012)
  • Sep 30 2012 cleanup
  • Wheaton Patch article on redevelopment
  • New way to report a
    problem in the county
    Who to call for
    downed wires, etc
  • Join the
    SHCA list server
  • Traffic cameras
  • Sep 30 2012 cleanup
    From Ed Murtagh

    Sweep the Creek and National Public Lands Day

    • Sunday, September 30, 1-3pm
    • Sligo Creek Park at the Kemp Mill Shopping Center
    This fall's Sweep the Creek will be held on Saturday, September 29, from 9-11am. and Sunday, September 30, from 1-3pm. Please click the link below to view the meeting sites for each participating section.

    We are also happy to announce that our Sweep the Creek will again this year be part of the larger "National Public Lands Day," the nation's largest hands-on volunteer effort to improve and enhance the public lands Americans enjoy. In the past, as many as 150,000 volunteers worked together on this day throughout the country on behalf of our natural resources.

    We welcome individuals, groups, families, and students-students can receive service-learning credit for their work (we provide the forms and signatures). We also provide gloves, bags, water, and guidance on what help is most needed in each section (some sections may also request help with removing invasive plants). All you need to bring is your community spirit-and a willingness to get a little wet and dirty!

    There is no need to sign up ahead of time, but if you will be bringing a group or have questions, it is best to contact the Sweep Coordinator ahead of time.

    We look forward to sharing the honor of stewardship with you during this fall's Sweep the Creek, and thank you in advance for your partnership in this wonderful event.

    Reporting Pollution in Sligo
    From Kathleen Michels
    Reporting Pollution in Sligo:
    If anyone notices possible pollution, one of the quickest ways to have it investigated is to send a quick email to the team in Montgomery County's office of Environmental Compliance, of the Department of Environmental Protection. Environmental Compliance's Steve Martin wrote that most of the team receive email on their cell phones, so someone may be able to investigate pretty quickly (during normal work hours) - although response time will vary, depending on competing other matters and proximity. Send email to the entire DEP team using

    Also please call 311 - BUT YOU MUST HAVE AN ADDRESS FOR THEM OR THEY WON"T TAKE IT. So try ot find the nearest address- even if it is a shopping center.

    Also post it to the DEP reporting form if you want to be really thorough (see reporting park problems on for the form).

    For construction site run-off also call DPS at: 240-777-6259. Again - try to have as close an address as you can get as well as cross streets.


    Sligo cleanup 25 Sep 2011
    from Ed Murtagh
    • Mark your calendars for Sunday Septemger 25.
    • Our Community Spring Clean will be from 2 to 4.
    • We will again meet at the park by the Magruder's Grocery Store.
    • Meet at the sign-in table to pick up supplies and directions:
    • Bags and gloves will be provided, along with water to drink
    • Students can get service credit
    • Wear long sleeves and long pants and waterproof boots/waders for best protection
    • More info at FOSC
    Wheaton Redevelopment Advisory Committee
    Notes from the Wheaton Redevelopment Advisory Committee (WRAC) meetings:
    What to do if your pet is lost
    put together some information that will be helpful in your search (this information is also available at
    Wheaton Rescue Squad building
    From Kathleen Michels

    Below is a a summary of the Wheaton Rescue Squad meeting.
    You may also find interesting this overiview article in the Wheaton Patch: How Green Is Their Building?
    I am sorry for the delay in thanking you! Thank you very much for taking time out if you busy schedule to come meet with members of the community! It really is much appreciated and we will relay information back to our civic associations. It was also great to meet Mark Drury the builder and former member of your Board who is savvy and enthusiastic about green building techniques. We hope you take his suggestion to write in LEED type or other sustainable alternatives to your RFPs /contracts.

    We also appreciate your offer to have us look at the landscaping plans. That might be one of the easiest places to "tweak" as Mark put it to make the building and site more friendly to local air and water. Perhaps a "green wall or two could be worked in - really just specialized trellises with greenery but can make a huge difference in heating cooling costs, water quality control and air quality.

    Speaking of air we really do appreciate your insistence on cleaning the diesel of particulates instead of simply venting outside (As a neuroscientist I an tell you we are coming to learn how damaging breathing in particulates is; not just to the lungs but also to the brain, especially the developing brain). Given the location near residences, the library and rec center makes that all the more important.

    I did receive a request after the meeting from a resident near the site- asking about a promise made years ago with the immediate neighbors of triple pane windows for their homes on the sides facing the rescue squad to soundproof them. Perhaps it is best if l give them your contact information.

    We look forward to having the Wheaton Volunteer Rescue Squad in our midst and as a good neighbor. We also look forward to the follow up as we discussed on landscaping/greenery and any updated plans. Please let us know who we should talk to about that and if we can help you in any way.

    Followup note from
    And for the record - Tom explained the engines don't turn their sirens on until they are away from the station and even then not until and unless they need to. Having lived just about next to the Bethesda rescue squad with a newborn in an old drafty single paned window house I can attest to the fact that there can actually be very little noise from a rescue squad. They were very good neighbors.

    Original note from
    I am confirming for tonight 7-9 pm at 2424 Reedie Dr.. In addition to hearing about the WVRS plans, we will mention the Army Corps Anacostia watershed restoration plans for the area, the recommendations for the neighoring library redevelopment in that plan and what similar possibilities there might be at this stage for the WVRS site (those which could easily fit into current WVRS plans). MIke Smith (who is a WVRS volunteer) is a member of hte Anacostia water quality advisory group can help provide additional details on the restoration plans and a link to them. As you may know the county is working on bioretention projects in the area - particularly in parking lots and along streets, and the WVRS site might be a good site for such a practice integrated with the redevelopment.
    MoCo Winter Storm Information Site

    The MoCo announcement ...

    December 2010

    Patrick Lacefield, Director | Bonnie Ayers, Editor

    Montgomery County officials today announced the launch of a new, online tool that will make it easier for residents to decide when to safely venture out following a snowstorm. The map tool will show the progress of snow plows throughout the County and indicate when emergency roads, primary neighborhood streets and neighborhood streets have been cleared. A zoom feature allows residents to focus on the plow status of their immediate neighborhood and surrounding streets and then zoom out to check on an entire trip route.
    more details...

    Calling police for emergency (August 2010)
    From Carol Hilewick... "I asked for clarification on who to call and when. Here is what Officer Hidayat recommends.
    As far as suspicious activity, my recommendation is that if someone in your community feels that they need to report a suspicious situation to the police, they should dial our Emergency Communication Center. The phone number is 301-279-8000 or if it is an Emergency dial 911. The police station number is 240-773-5500 but keep in mind that is not the number to dial when confronted with a suspicious situation. The appropriate number to dial is our non-emergency number 301-279-8000.

    As far as when to report, I would suggest to leave that decision to the individual. What is suspicious to one person may not necessarily be suspicious to another person. Therefore, I would leave it up to the individual to make that decision. However, if you believe that you or any member of your community may have information that would lead the police to identifying a suspect in a crime, I would encourage you to provide that information by calling either one of the above numbers to get in touch with us.

    New way to report a problem in the county (311)

    New way to report a problem in the county (311)

    Who to notify about power outages
    Submitted by Kathleen Michels, 06 February 2010 Daniel, 09 December 2009 For Montgomery County residents experiencing Power outages, please call your local power company:
    Pepco 1-877-737-2662
    Baltimore Gas and Electric 1-877-778-2222
    Allegheny Power 1-800-255-3443
    Residents needing to report downed trees can call the Storm Operations Center 240-777-6000.
    RAINscape your yard.
    from Kathy

    Followup information on RAINscaping your yard.

    If you are interested in having one of us come to assess your yard and suggest options and possible grants/rebate programs please email/ call Ed or I (Kathy):
  • 301-922-1826 (kathy,
  • Ed 202-365-6526
  • jenny reed is at
  • Remember you also can get $25 back per tree from the state and the county has programs as well.

    For more information also go to: or
    The announcement of the Nov 11 meeting also contains some details.

    Sector plan
    Dear Wheaton Community:

    M-NCPPC-MC Planning staff will be presenting Preliminary Recommendations for the Wheaton and Vicinity Sector Plan to the Montgomery County Planning Board on the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 2009. Public testimony will be taken.

    Sandy Tallant, Lead Planner
    Wheaton Sector Plan

    Wheaton Redevelopment
    from Ed Murtagh
    During our community meeting last month, many indicated an interest in being involved with the Wheaton Redevelopment. The first thing we need to do to be effective is to familiarize ourselves with those aspects of land planning and zoning that will drive Wheaton redevelopment over the next 20 - 30 years. Click here for a list of resources and organizations we will need to be familiar with and/or be involved with.

    The current Gazette has an article on the Georgia Ave Study. You will see that this is on the list of key studies we need to be involved with. This study will help drive land planning along the Georgia Ave corridor including along Wheaton.

    We held a Wheaton Redevelopment Committee meeting to start to get up to speed and plan a meeting of the full association featuring key officials involved with Wheaton Redevelopment to our community.

    There are other upcoming meetings noted in the document, and more will be planned. We need to develop a position and represent it at these meetings. If you're interested in getting involved and not already on the Wheaton Redevelopment Committee, please contact Leah Haygood

    Traffic Cameras
    ~2007 announcement ...
    Montgomery County police unveils its new Residential Automated Speed Enforcement Program There will be a 30-day period in which only warnings are issued. After the trial period, citations will be issued to owners of vehicles that are photographed going at least 11 miles per hour over the posted speed limit, officials said. Fines for violations will be $40, but no points will be assigned to a driving record for convictions. Citations can be contested in Maryland District Court.

    There are also about seven mobile units that will rotate. They are vans parked on the side of the road.

    Hazardous Waste Dropoff
    Reminder: the Shady Grove Transfer Station now has a permanent HHW receiving area, open year-round: Thursday through Sunday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    We have a new shortcut to our Hazardous Waste information:

    Comments? Suggestions? -- I welcome your input so that these notices are as useful as possible for you.
    Susanne Brunhart Wiggins
    Montgomery County, MD, Division of Solid Waste Services

    Recycling Plastic Info
    Some interesting pointers from the county on plastic recycling.
    Wheaton Survey
    Wheaton Survey for residents

    The link below allows the community to voice their opinion and/or concerns with their local experiences in the Wheaton area. This survey helps MCPD focus on areas of concern within our community and helps make your trip to the Mall a safer one.

    The bottom of the page also allows you to register your or your students bicycles with MCPD, and could help you reclaim property, should it find a new home . . summer is coming . . . . .

    Sligo Creek News
    MLK (Jan. 2009) Vine Clearing Event- thanks to all who turned out!
    posted by Kathy 301-922-3816

    We want to thank everyone who turned out for our community service Vine clearing activity on MLK day in Sligo Creek Park at the Ladd St. Access path and the trees along Sligo Creek!

    Click here for the details, including a google photo of the area ...
    Monitoring the Health of Sligo Creek
    A note on how you can help monitor the health of sligo creek
    Spring 2005 Sligo Creek Cleanup from Ed Murtagh
    From Ed Murtagh....
    I would like to thank everyone who participated in this year's Community Spring Clean up. We had about 25 people out there working on Sunday afternoon. The weather was great. We found lawn mowers, fertilizer spreaders, shovels, posthole diggers, etc., enough lawn equipment to fill a backyard shed. We cleaned out dozens of bags of trash (way over 1,000 pounds removed). We all had a good time.

    We have some pictures.

    Sligo wildlife (from Ed Murtagh)
    If you are interested in the wildlife in and around our community, you might find this interesting. As you may know a fox has been seen running around the community a lot recently. Owl and hawk sightings have become more common. Recently, Amy Cassagnol mentioned that she saw a new beaver dam in Sligo Creek just below University Blvd. I went out there and sure enough a big new dam was built. I posted a photo of the dam

    As you can see, the dam is right next to the hiker/biker path. I understand from Amy, who has been monitoring the dam for us while goes on her runs, that the county is now trying to remove it (it is causing some local flooding.) If you have kids, you might want to take them to see it before it is totally removed. A lot of other animal sightings have been seen and posted to the web.

    If you see anything interesting, please post it on wildlife list. It helps us get a better idea of the ecological health of the park and the surrounding communities.

    Pictures from Sept. 2004 Sligo cleanup
    Firehose and
    Kids hauling sofa

    Yard care tips
    A synopsis of a presentation

    FOSC newsletter
    Friends of Sligo Creek Sept. 2004 newsletter.
    Friends of Sligo Creek August 2004 newsletter
    Friends of Sligo Creek July 2004 newsletter
    Friends of Sligo Creek June 2004 newsletter
    Friends of Sligo Creek May 2004 newsletter

    June 2004 Newsletter
    It's here! (and the Feb '04 and the Nov '03 newsletter))

    The Nairn/Blueridge Ave development plan
    The SHCA is concerned with the proposed housing development proposed for Blueridge Ave.

    In July 2003, M-NCPPC announced a carry-in, carry-out policy.
  • Concerned about increased litter, SHCA protested this decision.
  • After several letters and hearings, in March 2004 the County Council vote 5 to 3 today to re-introduce trash barrels into Sligo Creek Park.
    You can read the details (including a July 2004 letter from the Superintendent of Parks)
  • In April 2005, a report on return of the trash barrels in the parks and ball fields was released: County Council Staff Report, M-NCPPC FY06Operating Budget: Waste Management Programs (Trash Barrels in our Parks)
  • Past happenings and hot issues.
    Can be found here!


    You are visitor # 3872 since 20 Jan 2004. This document last modified at 9:34a, on 19 Oct 2012.
    Maintained by Daniel Hellerstein