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Dredging the Stormwater Management Ponds

For all you who walk the hiker/biker path in Sligo Creek park, you might be interested in this. Soon you will see some construction equipment at the ponds along the path near Kemp Mill Shopping Center. The ponds will also be drained.

There is nothing to be alarmed about; developers are not going to be building in the park.

This spring MNCPPC (parks) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will begin a dredging project at the University Blvd. Stormwater Management Ponds. Every seven or so years, these ponds must be cleaned out. The sediment removed will first be placed near the berm so it can be de-watered. At least a month after that, it will be hauled to a local park in Wheaton and used to revitalize the grounds.

I was recently at a meeting with MNCPPC, DEP, and a horticulturist from the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) to discuss the project. MNCPPC is interested in working with AWS and local community groups to plant native landscaping (reeds and grasses) to provide habitat and to help improve the water quality of creek water leaving the ponds. The project also calls for the partial removal of the dead trees around the pond. The dead trees will be evaluated, and those that are sturdy will be only partially cut down. About 1/2 of trunk will remain to provide valuable habitat for bird populations and other animals. We are hoping that the students at the new Northwood High School's Environmental Science Academy will participate in the planting. The Head of the Academy is interested in participating. We hope the students may get a unique learning experience.

One serious problem will be how to address the geese that over winter in the area. Previous attempts to establish wetland plants failed because the sites were quickly destroyed by the geese. By using temporary fencing, carefully selecting plants that the geese avoid, and other methods, we hope to obtain enough time for the plants to establish themselves.

The county recently finished dredging the nearby Wheaton Branch Stormwater Ponds of that operation can be seen at (photos and a write up. This project will be about 1/4 of the size and will not require the use of a large crane.