Hey! How Clean is that Water?Can my kids swim in it? Can my dog drink it? How do we know? What are the next steps for Friends of Sligo Creek?
Ever wonder how clean (or not) the water is in Sligo Creek? Keith Van Ness, Senior Water Quality Specialist for Montgomery County will discuss new water quality information. He will give us the "straight poop" on the Creek water, and tell us how we can make a difference in cleaning it up.
Nette Witgert, Friends of Sligo's new Water Quality Monitoring Coordinator, will join Keith in the discussion. Formerly with the Idaho Fish and Game Agency, Nette is a recent arrival to the watershed and has big plans for getting Friends organized to do our own assessments. Bring your own questions, concerns and ideas!
For questions contact Jim Baird 301-587-3249 / wycbaird@erols.com. More
information is available at www.fosc.org
Long Branch Community Center
8700 Piney Branch Rd.,
Silver Spring
7:15 PM
The community center is on the North side of Piney Branch Rd. between Flower
Ave. and University Blvd. and between the traffic light at Barron St. and a
large sign for Miles Glass. Plenty of parking.
Sign in at the Community center desk and go to second floor.