
The SHCA Native Plants Co-op


The goal of native planting is to support the local forest and its inhabitants (birds, frogs, etc.) by the purchase and installation of plants that would be found in healthy local plant communities or that will "fit in" and live in harmony with the local vegetation.

Goals and Objectives of the Native Plant Co-op

Purchase plants in bulk to save $$$ (order what is needed for projects)

Purchase a high % of native plants and plants identified as "friendly" to natural plant communities

Create a "housing" garden to store bulk purchased plants

Help each other with the creation of simple landscape plans

Identify native plant projects for the spring (April to June) and fall (?)

Project will consist of garden planning, preparation, and installation

Shared labor is the desired model of work (not required by all participants of the co-op)

Learning is a goal: many people don't do native/natural landscaping because of lack of information

Provide co-op information on the Sligo Headwaters Civic Association website

Provide a list of available websites on Native Gardening

Provide a list of books that can be shared

Visit native gardens to see what different types look like

Improve our local parks by periodically organizing invasive plant removal projects

Document our success with the idea of using this as model for other communities.

A long-term goal: the Native Garden Co-op will be part of our community's effort to become certified through the National Wildlife Federation.

***Action item: Between now and next formal meeting, people who want to do projects this Spring should put details of their property on paper for review (optional for Fall projects if you want to get "on the list" now)

Next Meeting (late February/early March):

Review proposed projects and decide on projects for Spring (and possibly Fall planting

Suggest discussing financing of bulk purchases and distribution of plants from housing garden

March meetings

Put our heads together to design one project at a time. A landscape designer is willing to help with this. She and Kathy Michels will be great resources on design and plant selection.


Weekend work sessions to implement 3-4 projects.

Ideas to help you think about your Project:

Think about front yard vs. back yard

Think about what you see when you look out your window (and views in need of help?)

Think about current uses of your yard, kids play area, dogs, sheds, paths, etc

Think about future uses of your yard kids play area, dogs, sheds, paths, etc

Consider the whole property, but alos think about different areas you might want to work on first (e.g. 15x30 projects)

Bigger contiguous spaces look best

Create a simple drawing with measurements (1/4 inch drafting paper) (use measurements from your plot diagram for instance) indicate all trees, buildings, walkways, etc. Large sheets of ¼ inch drafting paper available. See either Leah or Ed.

Project How to:

2 weeks in advance

If the project area is currently planted with grass, use Round up on area (to kill weeds, etc.)

Place newspaper and mulch or leaf grow to kill grass


Dig into prepared area and plant natives

Leaf Gro around new plants

Water first year

Maintain garden as you would with any garden