I am forwarding the latest on the situation on the planned removal of trash barrels from Sligo Creek Park (and most of the parks and ball fields in the county). This is a write up of this mornings hearing on the trash barrels. Sally Gagne, President of Friends of Sligo Creek, attended part of the hearing and prepared this update. It appears that it is official, the trash barrels are going. They are proceeding even though the Park and Planning has no idea if there will even be any saving!

Sally Gagne wrote:
Subject: Committee Hearing
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 12:24:01 -0500

To our Litter Committee and Board Members:
The trash barrels will be removed.

Berlage's report was to have been made after a lengthy discussion of Rock Creek development, so I purposely arrived a half hour after starting time. But at the beginning this morning, P&P asked to go first, so I missed much of what was said. I'd have learned more watching channel 6 at home, which televised the hearing. Luckily Pete Boettinger was there (he testified along with Berlage), and I talked with him later.

The barrels are going. Next year the trash program will be re-evaluated to see if money is saved.

Pete had put together figures on the cost of sending men in trucks to pick up trash this year and last year. The figure included labor costs. But he doesn't have figures yet on any reduction in transfer station fees. That will be in next year's report.

The Takoma Park City Council may try to retain barrels within city limits, Pete said. He was interested to hear from me that Marc Elrich is angry about the situation. I'm not sure what Marc will suggest the Takoma Park Council do after hearing today's news.

Some Civic Assn, maybe on Conn. Ave, had apparently talked about removing trash themselves if barrels were taken out, but the Committee today didn't seem to think that would work out. Silverman (Chair) referred Friends of Sligo Creek in a perhaps sympathetic tone, saying it had been heard from and he knew there was concern, or something close to that, it didn't come to very much.

I assume nothing can be done about stopping the removal of barrels - unless we get out there very soon, and I don't think we would be effective. My own inclination concerning action is to wait and observe before attempting to protest, so we will have the condition of the park to point to.

A report is to be made available - more when someone from the Park office returns my call.
