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Arcola Elementary School Reopening

Synopsis of Dec 2. Design Advisory Meeting

This is a draft synopsis of the December 2nd Arcola Elementary School Design Advisory Committee (DAC) meeting. If you went and you have any corrections, please let me know. The finalized version will be posted on the Sligo Headwaters web site.

The DAC opened with the architect from the Lukmire Partnership (architectural firm) reviewing the parking lot options they had considered. The DAC committee agreed that the best option was to have the main parking lot used by the school buses opening up to Channing rather than to Franwall. The advantage of this option is that fewer residential homes will be impacted and the traffic flow should be smoother. The disadvantage would be that the large green space at the corner of Franwall and Channing would be reduced. To minimize the impact on the green space, the architect has recommended reducing the width of the parking area, thus increasing the amount of green space.

The tear-down of the school is scheduled for July 2004. The area will be seeded to control sediment run-off. We requested that the playground by Channing remain open until construction begins.

The architect also indicated that they will propose trees in a line between the ball field and the school. This would provide shading for the kids and a screen for the residents.

The DAC also discussed the proposed stairwell tower located in the center of the school. The tower acts as a focal point for the school and will include plenty of windows to provide a lot of daylight in the stairwell and entry-way. The proposed tower has been reduced in height since the last DAC meeting. The height now is approximately 35 feet, or 3 ˝ stories. The residents on the DAC asked that the architect consider reducing the slope of the tower roof to match the roof slopes on the building roof. This would allow the height of the tower to be reduced another 4 or 5 feet.

The architect discussed plans to integrate color schemes to provide a visual break for the long north and south. The roof with a clerestory structure to provide day-lighting for the upper floor classrooms is still being considered. The architect emphasized that the height of the building, excluding the roof, will be approximately the same height as the existing school (the existing roof is flat). The new school, however, may extend close to the Channing Road boundary, especially if the Linkages to Learning structure is funded.

Other issues discussed included the stormwater issue. We reiterated that we would like to see a comprehensive solution to the stormwater problem from the school lot and the adjacent ball field (total of ten acres). We would like to see MCPS take the lead in inviting the Park and Planning to discuss measures they might take to correct the stormwater-run off on the ball fields. Joe Derosa indicated that he was arranging this meeting and that the community would be invited to participate. We asked that a combination rain garden and cistern be considered to address stormwater run-off and to become a learning tool for the students. The architect and Joe Derosa thought this was a good idea and agreed to seriously consider this.

The traffic study was briefly mentioned. Joe indicated that the traffic study is scheduled for 2004. Additional information on the traffic study dates will be forthcoming to the community.

Joe Derosa noted that the December 16th DAC meeting will be the last meeting. At this meeting the committee will vote on the options. The homeowners on the committee requested that they be involved with the review of the construction documents once that phase begins. Joe Derosa indicated that the community’s input would be welcome.